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The other side of the wall booklet

Designed in a gritty real life style with a shocking story of drug addiction and the potential consequence.

A booklet designed for young people to show the reality of a life of drugs, addiction and crime with the eventual reality of prison for young people.

It was distributed to vulnerable young people to give a real time account of the negative world of crime and the destruction it can lead to with relationships and their future.

The booklet is based on a true story of a young man fell into the underground world of drugs and drug dependance leading to a life in and out of young offenders institutions and eventually prison.

Written and designed in a hard edged style to show the very real life scenario with a blunt and honest account from someone who has experienced this life, thankfully the story has a happy ending, with the author realising that this lifestyle was very destructive, real and would eventually end in tragedy. He wanted to share his own story to prevent others from going down the same path and de-glamorise this lifestyle.

Although online services have become common place printed booklets and brochures are still a great way to tell your story, educate and inform your clients/communities with visually stimulating stories and messages.

contact one bright spark on 0777 8510437

Get your message across with beautiful booklets & brochures by calling us on 07778 510437 or

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