Logo designed to promote the services of Lavender & Lace.
Designed for a business retailer based in Totnes, Devon selling a wide range of eclectic lifestyle products from candle sticks, curtains and storage tins through to bedspreads, throws, cabinets and bird cages.
The wide range of products offered were sourced from various parts of the world so the logo design had to be adaptable to suit the diverse range of products offered. The luxurious products were also aimed at an affluent market so the logo also had to embody quality and taste to appeal to this high end market.
The finished logo was simple but elegant and provided a good foundation for the brand which was later developed with creative photography to extend the brand and it's values and products.
One Bright Spark will ensure your business has a clear identity with brand personality that creates a simple memorable first impression to your customers. Your logo is a great starting point for your company branding which can be built upon with great looking stationery, graphic design and of course your website.
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